Happy Birthday Vai! (on August 1st)
This post is late because we are still recovering from Vai's big birthday blow out bash. 65 people were on hand to help Vai celebrate his 6th birthday ! (We threw celebration for Tata's citizenship as a side note!) I couldn't believe how many people were there but when we started doing guest list we couldn't leave anyone out. This is when I acknowledged one of my son's gifts; he is a great friend. He will make friends with anyone and everyone. I hardly ever see him exclude anyone when playing with friends. Vai loves people, he is extremely social and likes to be with his friends. This also includes his siblings. He is a great older brother. Especially to his younger brother. I often see Vai trying to console him when he is upset. I remember one day when the baby had gotten hurt and Vai beat me to him was sitting there giving him a hug and telling him that it was going to be o.k. We have given Vai several nicknames, the "BIG TALKER" is one because he loves to tell stories. He would fill your head with stories all day and night if he could. We laugh at the fact that he is usually the first one up and as he walks into our room early in the morning, ribbing the sleep out of his eyes, the mouth is already going. He likes to reason and debate with people. For this reason Tata calls him the "Bush Lawyer"! I am sure it has something to do with the fact that I tease Tata about being from the bush, so he said that his son is now a bush lawyer. It is rare that Vai won't try to reason with you when you ask him to do something that he doesn't want to do. Often he will try to make deals so that he can do as little as possible then either we will do the rest or he will come up with something that he thinks is easier. He is mastering the art of negotiation. He has a great laugh and a great smile. Sometime a sneaky devilish smile but we love it. Vai is getting to be a very tall boy. He is only 6 and comes up to my armpit two more years and he will be taller than me! Then I am in trouble. I am excited to see him start school this year and all the new thing he will experience. He is a great leader and was so helpful in his preschool class last year. I know he will be the same way when he starts school in a couple of weeks. I am excited to see all the new changes and things he will experience. Thank you for being in our family Vai!
Still partying it up the morning after!
I'm interested to see what you do for him NEXT year. Holy Crap!
No party next year! Are you kidding me, he can't expect this every year.
Sounds like a great way to turn 6! 65 people is insane! But tons more fun! Happy Birthday Vai! We always do birthday parties on the even years. That way they hit the important ones with a party. No way can I do one every year! To crazy!
I can't believe that our boys are turning 6! Where does the time go? Vai sounds like such a sweetie! Happy Birthday V!
I know how that is-lists just grow and grow, I am trying to keep things just within the immediate family, but it is so fun when all those people can be there!Sounds like a fun little boy, I think some of our kids will be little socializers like Saki and Vai :)
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