Monday, May 5, 2008

Aunt Lisa

About a month ago my sweet Aunt Lisa passed away. She died of cancer very suddenly. This now makes the third person close to us who has died from cancer with in a year's time. This is a nasty disease and I have come to realize that it is no respecter of persons. It doesn't matter what your lifestyle, how healthy or fit you are.

I've been thinking about my aunt a lot lately. We weren't extremely close but I always loved chatting it up with her at any family gathering. It is sad to realize that I won't see her at family functions anymore. I am sad when I think of my Uncle Gary and how lonely he must be with out her. They had a sweet and kind relationship. I also think of her seven children and the different stages of life they are at. The oldest being around 30 and the youngest 16 how hard it will be for them with out their mother. The thing I have been thinking about the most is what I can learn from having her in my life. She is very opposite from me; you know the type, quiet, shy, soft spoken. All those characteristics I don't have. I don't think I can ever recall her raising her voice to her children. That is admirable in and of it self but when you learn that she had 7 children it is simply amazing. I only have 3 children and they are very young. Unfortunately they get yelled at a lot. I am trying to be more like my aunt in that way. She loved being a mother and you could tell that she enjoyed spending time with her children. She also loved my uncle. In fact I don't think I can even recall them having a disagreement.

She would always have a smile on her face. I remember one time when she had traveled from her home in southern California to our home in northern California by herself with her children in the car. She walked in with a kind smile on her face. I can only imagine how exhausted she was from driving and trying to entertain her kids. There were no DVD players back then. She never let on. She always looked so happy to see you. Motherhood never seemed to stress her out.

She was a peacemaker. We have some very out spoken people in my family, including myself. Aunt Lisa didn't have to be the center of attention; she just wanted to be with people. She wouldn't have to be involved in every conversation or decision. She brought a spirit of calmness into our family.

Aunt Lisa had her priorities in the right place. She didn't seek after money or riches; she didn't care about having a the biggest and best house. Her priority was her family. They always came first. She was more concerned with spending time with them then excelling in a career.

My life has been blessed because I had such a wonderful example of an amazing woman in my Aunt Lisa. I am going to miss her a lot. I still find peace in the fact that I do know I will see her again some day. Sweet will be that reunion! Until then I can honor her and show my love to her by trying to implement her wonderful characteristics in my own life.


Kelly said...

What an amazing eulogy Amy. Your aunt Lisa would be so proud that you looked up to her.

Jon + Carly said...

Thank you for the sweet comments. We do miss her.